Vote on new collective agreements 2022

FVSA/LÍV have signed a new collective agreement with the Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA) and The Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA).

The online voting, for FVSA members, on the newly concluded collective agreements with the Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA) and The Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA) has begun and will end at 12:00 noon on December 21, 2022.

Voting takes place here below. Login to the ballot is with Íslykill or electronic ID. If you don't have Íslykill or an electronic ID you can apply for either at

Click here to vote on the agreement between FVSA and SA

Click here to vote on the agreement between FVSA and FA

The majority of FVSA members work according to the collective agreement between FVSA and the SA. If you work for one of the following companies, you vote on the agreement with the FA. 

List of FA companies 

115 Security ehf.
Aflvélar ehf.
A.H.Lindsay ehf.
Akademias ehf.
Ankra ehf.
Apótek Hafnarfjarðar ehf.
Apótek Vesturlands ehf
Á. Óskarsson og Co ehf.
Álfaborg ehf.
Álnabær ehf.
Ásbjörn Ólafsson ehf.
Baader Ísland ehf.
Bako Ísberg ehf.
Bananar ehf.
Bender ehf
Bílabúð Benna ehf.
Brandenburg ehf.
Celsus hjúkrunar- og heilsuvöru
Core heildsala ehf.
Danfoss hf.
Djákninn ehf.
Dufland ehf.
Dynjandi ehf.
Eignarhald ehf.
Fiskkaup hf.
FVN ehf.
Gallerí fasteignir ehf.
G.Á.P ehf.
G.Ingason hf
Gleraugnamiðstöðin ehf.
Globus hf.
GO Nordic ehf.
Gryfjan ehf.
Hagi ehf.
Heildverslunin Echo ehf.
Heildverslunin Rún ehf.
Heimahúsið ehf.
H:N markaðssamskipti ehf.
Hotel Vatnsholt ehf.
Hvíta húsið ehf.
Icepharma hf.
Inter ehf
Ísfell ehf.
Ísfoss ehf
Íslenska útflutningsmiðstöð ehf
Járn og gler hf.
John Lindsay hf.
Jóhann Helgi & Co ehf.
J.S. Gunnarsson hf
K. Richter hf.
Kjaran ehf.
Leiðtogaþjálfun ehf.
Líftækni ehf.
LMOJ ehf.
Lumex ehf
Mamma veit best ehf.
Málmtækni hf
Nortek ehf.
Nýi tölvu-/viðskiptaskóli. ehf.
Nýja vátryggingaþjónustan ehf
Opin kerfi hf.
Ormsson hf.
Ólafur Gíslason og Co hf.
Ólafur Þorsteinsson ehf
Parlogis ehf.
Plast - miðar og tæki ehf.
Plastco ehf.
Promennt ehf
Reykjafell ehf.
Rolf Johansen & Co ehf.
Samasem ehf.
Satúrnus ehf.
Símstöðin ehf.
Skúlason & Jónsson ehf
Smith & Norland hf.
Sport Company ehf.
Sportís ehf.
Stoðtæki ehf.
Tengi ehf.
Tokyo veitingar ehf.
Tor ehf.
Triton ehf.
Umslag ehf.
Vaskur ehf
Vélar og verkfæri ehf.
Vilhjálmsson sf
XCO ehf.
Z-brautir og gluggatjöld ehf.
Þór hf.

All members of FVSA who work according to these agreements have the right to vote. Members have the option of voting online at our offices during opening hours. It is important to have an electronic ID or an Íslykill with you.

New Collective Wage Agreements 

FVSA signed a collective wage agreement with the Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA) on Monday, 12 December 2022 and with the Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA) on Tuesday, 13 December 2022. The agreements are valid from 1. November 2022 to 31. January 2024.

The agreement includes a wage increase of 6.75% from November 1, with a maximum of ISK 66,000. The additional economic growth that was supposed to be paid next year is accelerated and is part of this wage increase.

PDF of the agreement with SA

PDF of the agreement with FA (in icelandic)

Main points of collective wage agreements

Principal goals

This collective wage agreement is an extension of the parties’ Living Standards Agreement that was valid from 2019–2022. According to the parties to the agreement, the agreement supports the purchasing power of wages as well as providing predictability to households and companies in times of great uncertainty. The agreement can thus build stability and create the conditions for a long-term agreement.

Validity period

The effective term of the agreement is from 1 November 2022 until 31 January 2024.WagesThe wage increase in the agreement is in the form of a percentage increase and a maximum ISK increase.On 1 November 2022, monthly wages will receive a general increase of 6.75%, with a maximum of ISK 66,000.

Pay scales

Wage rates increase from ISK 36,015 to ISK 52,139. Previous pay scales will be replaced by new ones which are part of this agreement. Wage rates are valid from 1 November 2022.

See pay scale for FVSA/LÍV and SA here (in icelandic)


The December bonus for each calendar year, based on full-time employment, is: in 2023, ISK 103,000.

The holiday bonus for each holiday reference year (1 May to 30 April), based on full-time employment, is: during the holiday reference year beginning 1 May 2023, ISK 56,000.